The Bishop’s School

The Bishop’s School is an umbrella for practical training in the diocese. It is not a seminary program and does not grant degrees.

Training is provided in tiers (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced), equipping students to incrementally progress in preparation for licensed ministry.

Lay Training

  • Deaconess training
    The diocesan training program for the lay ministry of Deaconess is in development. Presently, students may receive instruction by mentoring staff through an individual development plan.
  • Lay Reader training
    The diocesan training program for the lay ministry of Lay Reader is in development. Presently, two pathways are available for students to meet the training requirements.

Clergy Training

The diocesan training program for postulants for ordained ministry is in development. Continuing education courses will also be available.

Biblical Teaching

The Rt. Rev. Steven Murrell, assisting bishop in the diocese, provides an ongoing series of instruction in the biblical story of Creation and the history of God’s people recorded in the book of Genesis.

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