About the Diocese

The Missionary Diocese of the South and Ozarks is a part of the United Episcopal Church of North America.

First and foremost, we are disciples of Jesus Christ. We find our identity in the identity of Christ as the Son of God and Savior of mankind.

Our doctrinal allegiance is to the Bible. We hold to the doctrines of the Protestant and Reformed faith as summarized in the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion.

Congregations in the diocese range from well-established churches to new plants. In our churches, you will find people from all sorts of backgrounds: young and old, cradle Anglicans and inquiring visitors, a variety of ethnic backgrounds, the strong and the disabled, the poor and the financially secure. What unites us? Jesus.

We are Anglicans. We embrace our heritage from the Protestant Reformation as it was carried out in England. Thus, we continue the doctrines and forms of worship of the English Reformers. However, we are not an ethnic church, but we belong to the one race of people redeemed by Christ.


Come help spread the good news throughout the diocese: that those who are sinners and outcasts have the hope of redemption through our Lord Jesus. Help us share that Jesus is the only way to God. Help us tell others that God alone is worthy of glory and honor and power.


Originally composed of congregations in Southern states and the Ozark Mountains, the diocese expanded in 2023, adding Western and Midwestern states. The territory of the diocese covers approximately 75% of the United States, about three million square miles. Churches are grouped into the Central Deanery and Western Archdeaconry.

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